Return & Refund Policy
Return / Exchange:
We have a 15-days return policy meaning if you find any defect in the delivered product, you can exchange it with the same product. In case you do not want to exchange the product, you will be issued a voucher of the same price as the items bought which you can use for future purchasing from our store.
You can WhatsApp us @ 0300-1178117 for an return within 15 days in original packing.
- Please don't remove the original shipping tag
- Shipping charges for exchange will be borne by the customer
Refund / Cashback:
If you find any defect in the delivered product and want your money back you can WhatsApp us @ 0300-1178117 within 15 days. Our representative will call you and guide you about the process of taking the product back from you and about the transfer of your money in your Bank Account / EasyPaisa / JazzCash OR any alternative method available. You will receive 100% of your order amount back.
- Your payment will only be processed if the product is not damaged or used
- It will take 2-3 working days to process your refund
- Bank transfer charges for refund/cashback will be borne by the customer